
TechnoSpore® is an innovative feed additive powered by the probiotic strain Bacillus coagulans DSM 32016 that combines the beneficial features of spore-forming bacteria and lactic acid bacteria. TechnoSpore® delivers a gut health solution for monogastric animals and is the first of its kind approved as a safe and effective feed additive for animal nutrition in the European Union. TechnoSpore® uses multiple modes of action that reliably promote animal gut health, performance, and feed digestibility.

Animal Species:

Feed Solutions:

Product Benefits.

Modes of Action.

Our effective range of feed additives and dietary feed supplements are specifically selected and developed to support animal health and productivity. Their modes of action add value and benefit.

Competitive Exclusion

Outcompeting other germs for resources such as nutrients, space, or binding sites. This mechanism reduces the risk of non-beneficial or pathogenic overgrowth.

Lactic Acid Production

Multifunctional organic acid that contributes to overall health by supporting a balanced gut microbiome, intestinal integrity, and immune homeostasis.

Stimulation of Short-chain Fatty Acid Production

Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) like acetic, propionic, and butyric acids are crucial for physiological processes, impacting gut and immune homeostasis, as well as brain, lung, liver, and bone health.

Direct Pathogen Inhibition

Due to probiotic-driven substances like cyclic peptides or organic acids that directly reduce or prevent growth of harmful bacteria by disrupting membranes or cellular processes.

Immune Modulation

Microbial molecules stimulate immune function resulting in better immune regulation, response, and defense. Overall, this enhances the resistance to harmful bacteria and related infections.

Enzyme Production

Probiotic-produced digestive enzymes such as proteases, carbohydrases, and lipases improve feed breakdown which enhances nutrient availability, nutrient absorption, and feed efficiency.

Product Specifications.

Product Group:Probiotics
Product Form:Powder
Animals:Calves, Chicken, Breeders, Broilers, Layers, Ducks, Turkeys, Fattening Turkeys, Fish, Shrimp, Piglets, Dogs
Challenges:Nutrient Deficiency, Pathogen Control, Immune Deficiency, Eggshell Quality
Heat Stable:Yes
Package Size:25 kg
Availability:*This product may not be available in all markets.

Application Method.

Product Description.

The intestinal tract is home to a microbial community that lives in a symbiotic relationship with the animal. The microbiota helps the animal resist pathogens, develop, maintain immunity, and digest feed. Changes in the microbial population can be detrimental to the animals’ performance. Therefore, maintaining a healthy microbial balance is crucial for optimal health and productivity.

TechnoSpore® has been specially developed to support microbial balance and a beneficial gut environment. TechnoSpore® is an innovative probiotic feed additive based on the unique strain Bacillus coagulans DSM 32016 that combines the advantages of both spore-forming bacteria and lactic acid bacteria—heat stability and lactic acid production.

TechnoSpore® delivers a gut health solution for monogastric animals and is the first of its kind to be approved as a safe and effective feed additive for animal nutrition in the European Union. TechnoSpore® has demonstrated its ability to improve animal performance and maintain overall gut health under various conditions worldwide.

TechnoSpore® uses several modes of action that promote animal gut health, performance, and feed digestibility. B. coagulans DSM 32016 is a hardy, spore-forming bacterium that can withstand harsh environments making them suitable for pelleted feed. When the environment becomes favorable, such as in the animals’ intestine, the spores germinate into active lactic acid-producing, health-promoting cells.

Lactic acid fermentation can alter the pH of the nearest surrounding, making it suboptimal for pH-sensitive pathogens. The additional production of digestive enzymes and stimulation of epithelial growth by TechnoSpore® enhances nutrient availability and feed efficiency.

B. coagulans DSM 32016 positively modulates the microbiota including the direct reduction of pathogenic growth. In this regard, B. coagulans DSM 32016 inhibits harmful bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella, while encouraging the growth of beneficial, health-promoting bacteria.

B. coagulans DSM 32016 has also been shown to have immunostimulatory effects, which result in increased amounts of antibodies and a strengthened immune defense. Overall, TechnoSpore® is an environmentally friendly gut health solution that optimizes animals’ performance for more sustainable animal production.*This product may not be available in all markets.


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